Back at it!
Friends and Family know its been a busy year! We welcomed a new addition in June to our family and now with life settling into a great...
Tussah Silk A Slippery Success
So as my friends and family know I've recently went to a crazy good soap supplier in Bellingham, WA. I've been playing with my numerous...
"Rigorously" Testing Almond Oil Slick
Just yesterday I decided to indulge in "testing" my Almond Oil Slick Soap. I just loved the amount of frothy bubbles! I recently have...
New Soaps Curing
A sneak peak at my upcoming soaps!
First Sale
So our first sale just happened! Of course the day was overcast and it rained heavily for a short period but overall a success! Recently...
Ramping it up!
Lately I've been going full hilt on getting a large amount of soap ready for my first sale! This doesn't leave much time for blogging....
Marbled soap
This is a photo from my batch of Citrus Vanilla Pudding before I ruffled the top. I'm getting better at the colour ratio to no colour. ...
Scientist Sloth
It's been a while since I've been on here. Add a few photos here, edit sizes there... Currently I am working on finding the perfect blend...
Busy Little Sloth
Recently I’ve been booked up for time. It's been pretty hard to make cards or make some sample batches of soap, but perseverance is the...
The Story Begins
Good day to everyone! This little sloth is working on creating a functioning web page for her cards and soaps. I've decided on keeping it...